
Rule 32

It has been two weeks since I've been squatting at my mom's place. She went off to a few distant lands for vacation and I, as the obliging son, offered to look after her place while she was away. Definitely, the past two weeks have passed relatively quickly and I've come to a better understanding of home-ownership. But that's not what this post is about.

I brought both my guitars here with the intention of playing uninhibited, due to the lack of fellow house occupants for whom I am ever volume-considerate. And, since my arrival to this foreign landscape, I can say with great pride that my guitars have been utilized a sum total of zero times. I don't even sing much, which I had probably been looking forward to doing more than fiddling with the guitars. So, here I am, and as I sit in front this giant wide-screen, typing out another block of text, I find there really is no desire within me to be musically active to any degree.

Music factored in way more when I was studying. Having something on while I was doing my mindless studies seemed just enough to drown out the multitudes of thoughts that try to encroach upon my consciousness when I attempt to memorize verbatim words and ideas that, truth be told, mean nothing to me.  Singing also served a cathartic role as I would try to relieve those pent up academically-mediated frustrations with strained utterances with whatever tracks happened to exist in my limited vocal range.

Now that we've entered a less busy phase, I find there is less drive and incentive for me to look to music. I've been through this thought process before, probably last summer, but clearly I had forgotten its significance, as I had enthusiastically been looking forward to honing my musical abilities this summer.

Quite simply, I just don't see any point in developing those abilities. So what if I learn how to strum and sing concurrently or maybe just a few extra obscure chord progressions? I could much more easily listen to those same chords by the original artist. Even if I were to create my own music or make covers that were stylistically distinct from their originals, I just don't think I'd be really into it. And, the thought of me recording and publishing myself for the entire world to see just seems to elicit a slight sense of narcissism, which does nothing but make the entire exercise just a little more distasteful.

There are two possibilities that come to mind as to what's going on here. Either A) I'm just missing the beauty of making music and just need to do it a bit more to understand it or B) there was some aspect of listening to music that was enjoyable, that I've yet to abstract. I'm sure there are other possibilities, but I, as I've recently been discovering, am the greatest of thinkers (but that's something I'll probably write on a bit later on).

The title of this post "Rule 32" is a reference to Zombieland, where the lead actor narrates a set of arbitrary rules, the last of which being Rule 32, "Enjoy the little things". It came up as I was talking to a friend about this very issue and he said that maybe I should stop analyzing the process so much (namely the narcissistic elements that I accuse it of harbouring). But, as I write this post, I guess I've become more aware that maybe it's not so much that my anhedonia is due to my disdain for the process but rather that maybe it was never that process that I was enamoured with (that is, option B).

Beats me...

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